In order to offer a client a more
equitable approach to entering into
an agreement for commissioning a
work of art, I have found the
following to be the most reasonable.
A client selects a basic style from
examples of my previous work; either
a specific piece or a combination of
pieces may be selected.
I will then design 3
concepts, laid out to scale and
including the additional
specifications regarding overall
sizes, colors and materials, for a
fee of
Upon completion of the
designs, a selection is made and the
design/drawing chosen becomes the
property of the client.
Following this, if there are
no additional changes or input from
the client, I am able to give a firm
estimate as to the cost of
constructing the design selected.
If a price is agreed upon and the
time frame for completion of the
project is acceptable, a contract is
entered into. Upon signing of the
agreement a one-third down payment
is required, a second third is to be
paid by the end of the halfway point
and the final third is to be paid
upon completion. The final payment
will include a reduction for the
initial $5,000.00 design fee.
Throughout the construction period,
the client may, upon a 12-hour
courteous notification, visit the
studio to view the progress on their
Upon completion, I also
encourage the client to take the
opportunity to view their work of
art, before crating. As all costs
for the crating are our
responsibility, shipping, insurance
and hanging of the piece, will be
the responsibility of the client.