The purpose of this Grant Program is to offer an opportunity for fine artists to continue working at their chosen craft while also teaching in a public school system, which has discontinued offering a fine arts program to their students. Grant recipients will be paid a salary comparable to the other faculty members of their respective school system, including benefits, and in addition will receive an additional $15,000.00 per annum, for personal art materials and studio space.  The GRANT period will be for 3 years, with the option for an extension of an additional 2 years, based on the recommendation of the TRUST board members.  Recipients will be required to follow a set fine arts curriculum, written by the TRUST and will also attempt to coordinated their art program with input from the local college’s and university’s art departments, in the area of the specific high school, where graduating high school students might attend.


Grant recipients will be required to participate in a workshop for the period of 1 week, conducted at the beginning of each school year, held at a location designated by the TRUST.  The workshop will cover educational techniques, a schedule for the course of study and other pertinent information. 


Though the main purpose of this program is to offer a fine arts program to high school students, the artist/teacher must not neglect their own art productivity and will be required to offer, to the public one (1) exhibition of their own work each year.  In addition, GRANT recipients will be observed teaching and also have a review of their personal artwork, in their studio, a minimum of 2 times per year. 


The school system excepting the GRANT recipient shall agree to allow the teaching/artist to follow the curriculum as outline by the TRUST and shall not restrict the instructional program in anyway as to the educational and creative approach and shall also agrees to grantee a contract for a minimum of a 3 year commitment to the program.  In addition, because the faculty member’s salary and benefit package will be paid for by the TRUST, the school system will agrees to pay an (estimated) yearly amount of  $800.00 per student for materials and supplies.   Furthermore, the school system will allow and pay for transportation for a minimum of 3 field trips per year, 1 to a museum and 2 to commercial art companies and will also allow a minimum of 4 guest speakers from the fine and or applied art fields, to speak with the art students. 


As this is to be viewed as a fundamentals art program, it will be expected that the basics will be continually stressed; drawing and design should be considered the foundation to all course programs. In addition, students will be shown how various aspects of the fine arts can be utilized in other professions or trades, so students will have the option to be able to secure employment after graduation.


Additional, GRANT recipients will attempt to coordinate aspects of their art program with other programs and departments within the school system and shall also agree to follow a professional approach not only in all aspects of their teaching but to conduct themselves in a favorable and respectable manner throughout the entire GRANT period.




E-Mail Fredric Frank Myers